
本文摘要:The company behind China’s home-grown range of armed drones is to seek a public listing in a sign of new openness to private capital in the country’s secretive defence industry.中国一家自律生产武装无人机的公司将谋求公开发表上市,指出中国谜样的国防工业对民间资本更进一步对外开放。


The company behind China’s home-grown range of armed drones is to seek a public listing in a sign of new openness to private capital in the country’s secretive defence industry.中国一家自律生产武装无人机的公司将谋求公开发表上市,指出中国谜样的国防工业对民间资本更进一步对外开放。Nanyang Technology, a little-known and mostly inactive company already listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, 南洋科技(Nanyang Technology)是一家鲜为人知、一般来说行事高调的公司,本身已在深圳证券交易所上市。quietly moved last summer to acquire the unit that makes the Caihong (Rainbow) series of drones from the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), according to two people briefed on the plans.两位征询过涉及计划讲解的人士回应,今年夏天,南洋科技悄悄对中国航天科技集团公司(CASC)旗下生产彩虹系列无人机的公司启动了并购。Once the acquisition is complete, Nanyang will change its name and allow investors to pick up shares in what amounts to a backdoor public offering. 一旦已完成了并购,南洋科技将更改该公司名称,容许投资者股份这家借壳上市的公司的股票。

The new name for the drone maker has not yet been publicly announced.该无人机生产公司的新名称目前仍未对外发布。In addition to military drones, the unit also makes two types of air-to-ground missiles eagerly sought by Middle Eastern and African buyers. 除了生产军用无人机,该公司还生产两款备受中东和非洲买家青睐的空对地导弹。Many of those governments have been refused military drones by the US, which has raised concerns about how they will be used. 美国拒绝接受向这些地区许多国家的政府出售军用无人机,主要出于对无人机用途的忧虑。

Chinese drones have already appeared in conflicts in Iraq, Yemen and Nigeria.而中国生产的无人机早已经常出现在伊拉克、利比亚以及尼日利亚的冲突中。The planned listing has already led the company to open itself up to unprecedented public scrutiny. 此次上市计划使该公司史无前例地曝露在公众目光之下。On Tuesday CASC held the first press conference in its history, inviting Chinese journalists and one western publication to a briefing by its chief engineer and a tour of a training facility.周二,中国航天科技集团公司举办了公司历史上首次新闻发布会,邀中国媒体及一家西方新闻机构的记者征询了其首席工程师的情况摘要并参观了一处训练设施。

The target market was evident by the computer graphics on the training centre’s computer simulation: a Middle Eastern desert landscape laced with palm groves and a terrorist training camp that trainee pilots learn to bomb.该训练中心计算机仿真的电脑图像确切地指出了该公司的目标市场:画面中还包括一片点缀着棕榈树的中东沙漠以及一个可供军官学校飞行员自学投弹的恐怖分子训练营。The bestselling CH-4 drone is remarkably similar in appearance to General Atomics’ MQ-9 Reaper that has been widely used in combat by the US.买得最差的彩虹4无人机在外观上酷似美国通用原子公司(General Atomics)生产的、美军普遍应用于登陆作战的MQ-9死神(Reaper)无人机。

It’s not a direct copy, but it sure does look familiar, said Peter Singer, an expert on drone warfare at the New America Foundation in Washington. 这不是必要仿照,但看上去的确很眼熟,华盛顿新的美国基金会(New America Foundation)无人机登陆作战专家彼得.辛格(Peter Singer)说道,So it’s either pure coincidence, or something else. 所以,要么纯属巧合,要么是什么别的原因。I’ll take something else.我坚信后者。CASC declined to detail its export markets, but a spokesman said there were currently 10-20 end users. 中国航天科技集团公司拒绝接受详尽列出其出口市场,但一位发言人称之为,目前有10到20家终端用户。

CH drones are mainly used against anti-government armed forces, including Isis, the spokesman said. 彩虹无人机主要用作压制反政府武装,还包括伊斯兰国(ISIS),上述发言人回应。Shi Wen, chief engineer of the Caihong drones, added: We mainly sell to poor and middle-income developing countries.彩虹系列无人机总工程师石文补足说道:我们主要卖给较贫和中等收益的发展中国家。

American armed drones are subject to strict export controls by Washington, but China has swooped into the market, selling to Egypt, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iraq. 美国武装无人机受到政府严苛的出口管制,而中国已很快关上国际无人机市场,产品销往埃及、尼日利亚、沙特阿拉伯、巴基斯坦和伊拉克等国。Several of those were turned down by the US when they asked for export licences.其中一些国家曾催促美国授予出口许可证,但遭了美方拒绝接受。China is also believed to have provided technological assistance to Pakistan’s armed drone programme.中国据信还曾向巴基斯坦的武装无人机项目获取技术支持。

A publicly listed unit is not uncommon in the defence sector in China, 让辖下公司上市的情况在中国国防工业并不少见。where the top 10 state-owned defence groups, including China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Aviation Industry Corporation of China, have listed more than 70 subsidiaries. Most of these are not involved in defence-related businesses,中国前十大国有防务集团——还包括中国船舶重工集团公司(China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation)和中国航空工业集团公司(Aviation Industry Corporation of China)——早已有70多家子公司上市。

however, and even fewer deal with sensitive technologies.不过这些上市公司大多不牵涉到与国防有关的业务,牵涉到脆弱技术的就更加较少了。Allowing a maker of highly sensitive technology to sell shares to the public appears to indicate a new tolerance for private capital as Beijing seeks to drive expansion of defence exports.容许一家享有高度脆弱技术的制造商向公众发售股票,或许指出北京方面在寻求不断扩大国防出口之际,开始对民间资本抱着更加尊重的态度。The long-term goal of gradual privatisation appears to be to transform some of China’s leading defence contractors and to emulate the US military industrial complex.逐步引入民间资本的长年目标或许是为了推展一些主要国防承包商进行改革,效仿美国军工复合型产业发展中国国防工业。



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