
本文摘要:Foxconn Technology Group announced yesterday that it was suing a trio of Japanese companies in a US court for alleged patent infringement, in a sign that the maker of Apple iPhones and iPads is moving aggressively to monetise its growing t


Foxconn Technology Group announced yesterday that it was suing a trio of Japanese companies in a US court for alleged patent infringement, in a sign that the maker of Apple iPhones and iPads is moving aggressively to monetise its growing technology base.富士康科技集团(Foxconn Technology Group)昨日宣告,正在向美国一家法院控告三家日本企业专利侵权行为。这个迹象指出,这家苹果(Apple) iPhone和iPad的代工制造商于是以采行积极行动买入其大大发展壮大的技术根基。The suit against Toshiba Corporation, Funai Electric Company, and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation comes as Terry Gou, Foxconn’s chairman, asked shareholders to be patient while the company diversified its revenue sources, with plans to invest in new businesses such as car electronics and cloud computing.对东芝(Toshiba)、船井电机(Funai Electric)和三菱电机(Mitsubishi Electric)驳回诉讼之际,富士康董事长郭台铭(Terry Gou)拒绝股东冷静等候——该公司于是以希望不断扩大营收来源,计划投资新的业务,如汽车电子系统和云计算。

The lawsuit highlights how Foxconn, also known as Hon Hai Precision Industry, is looking to make money from its growing inventory of patents, related to its electronics manufacturing business. The patents in question cover flat screen displays used in televisions, monitors, notebooks, tablets and smartphones.这起诉讼凸显富士康——又名鸿海仪器(Hon Hai Precision Industry)——于是以谋求从其大大发展壮大的与电子制造业务涉及的专利库赚。本案针对的专利牵涉到应用于电视机、监示器、笔记本电脑、平板电脑和智能手机等各类产品的平面显示器。Facing pressure from shareholders amid slowing sales, Mr Gou said at Foxconn’s annual meeting: “Please be patient, don’t be in a hurry...I’m also the biggest shareholder, so if it’s bad for Hon Hai, it’s also bad for me.”在销售上升的大背景下,面临股东的压力,郭台铭在富士康的年度股东大会上回应:“请求冷静等候,不要生气……我还是仅次于股东,因此,对鸿海有利的事,对我也有利。

”Representatives from Toshiba, Funai, and Mitsubishi could not be reached for comment. Foxconn did not say how much it was seeking in damages from the lawsuit, which was filed in the Delaware federal district court.记者无法联系上东芝、船井和三菱的代表请求其置评。富士康没解释其拒绝取得多少伤害赔偿金,这起诉讼是在特拉华州联邦地区法院驳回的。The company has been seeking ways to expand into sectors outside of manufacturing, where it is dependent on Apple for about half its business.该公司近年仍然在想方设法进占制造业以外的领域,目前其生产业务的约一半依赖苹果。This week Foxconn and Pegatron, a rival Taiwanese assembler of Apple products, both said they were recruiting workers – a move thought to be related to production of the next round of Apple products. Last year, Foxconn was one of six bidders to win a 4G telecoms licence in Taiwan in a clear sign of plans to diversify.本周富士康和某种程度为苹果组装产品的台资竞争对手和硕(Pegatron)均称,他们正在招工。

据信此举与生产苹果下一代产品有关。去年,富士康沦为夺得台湾4G电信运营牌照的六个竞标者之一,这是一个具体迹象,解释该公司计划将业务多元化。Foxconn has won business from Japan’s SoftBank and Tesla Motors. It will manufacture a robot for SoftBank and is looking at co-operating with Tesla to make touchscreens for its electric cars. It is also the manufacturer of Amazon’s latest Fire smartphone.富士康已从日本软银(SoftBank)和特斯拉汽车(Tesla Motors)谋求到业务。它将为软银生产一款机器人,并于是以谋求与特斯拉合作,为特斯拉的电动汽车生产触摸屏。

富士康也是亚马逊(Amazon)新款Fire智能手机的代工制造商。Foxconn’s financial performance has been worse than expected, partly due to lower orders from Apple. It posted a 1.2 per cent rise in revenue last year to T$3.95tn ($132bn), missing a target set by Mr Gou. Net income, however, was up 13 per cent to a record T$107bn, partly because of foreign exchange gains.富士康的财务展现出近来远逊预期,部分原因是来自苹果的订单增加。

该公司报告去年营收快速增长1.2%,至3.95万亿新台币(合1320亿美元),没超过郭台铭原作的目标。然而,净利润快速增长13%,超过创纪录的1070亿新台币,在一定程度上归功于外汇收益。There are signs that shareholders are growing restless: a group of global investors including Aviva, Axa, and Calstrs announced this week plans to engage the chairman on questions of transparency, long-term strategy, board composition and the “key man” risk posed by Mr Gou, who founded the company 40 years ago.有迹象指出,股东于是以显得更加烦躁忧虑:英杰华(Aviva)、安盛(Axa)和加州教师养老基金(CalSTRS)等全球机构投资者本周宣告涉及计划,白鱼在一连串问题上同富士康董事长交流,还包括透明度、长年战略、董事会的构成,以及40年前创办公司的郭台铭所包含的“关键人物”风险。



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