对抗苹果导致灾难 三星宣布停产Note 7

本文摘要:SEOUL, South Korea — Samsung Electronics is killing its troubled Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, a humbling about-face for the South Korean giant and its global brand. 韩国釜山——三星电子(Samsung Electronics)正在退出自己困难大大的盖乐世Note 7(Galaxy Note 7)智能手机,对这家韩国巨


SEOUL, South Korea — Samsung Electronics is killing its troubled Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, a humbling about-face for the South Korean giant and its global brand. 韩国釜山——三星电子(Samsung Electronics)正在退出自己困难大大的盖乐世Note 7(Galaxy Note 7)智能手机,对这家韩国巨头和它的全球品牌来说,这是一个名声扫地的大翻转。In an unprecedented move, the company will no longer produce or market the smartphones.公司采行了前所未有的措施,将仍然生产或推展这款智能手机。The demise of the Galaxy Note 7 is a major setback for Samsung, the world’s largest maker of smartphones. 盖乐世Note 7的落幕,对作为全球仅次于智能手机生产商的三星来说是一个根本性挫折。The premium device was the company’s most ambitious effort yet to take on Apple for the high-end market.这款顶级设备是该公司为在高端市场上与苹果(Apple)对决发售的最不具雄心的产品。

But Samsung has struggled to address reports that the Galaxy Note 7 could overheat and catch fire because of a manufacturing flaw. 但是在解决问题盖乐世Note 7因生产缺失而有可能短路并发生爆炸的问题上,三星遭遇了艰难。Last month, the company said it would recall 2.5 million phones to fix the problem. 上个月,它回应将通过解任250万部手机来解决问题这个问题。But in recent days, Galaxy Note 7 users emerged with reports that some devices that had supposedly been repaired were overheating, smoking and even bursting into flames. 但是近些天,盖乐世Note 7的用户报告称之为,有些被指出已讲和的手机仍然经常出现短路、起火、甚至发生爆炸的情况。


And on Monday, Samsung asked Note 7 customers to power off the phones while it worked on the problem.周一,三星告诉Note 7用户,在它希望解决问题这个问题期间再行重开手机。In a statement filed with the South Korean stock exchange late Tuesday, Samsung said it had made a final decision to stop production. 周二晚些时候,三星在向韩国证券交易所递交的一项声明中称之为,它最后要求暂停生产。The company will no longer make or market the phones, said a person familiar with the decision, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because Samsung did not publicly disclose details.一位理解这一要求的人士称之为,该公司将仍然生产或推展这款手机,由于三星没公开发表涉及细节,此人拒绝电子邮件。It was unclear where the Galaxy Note 7’s problem began. 尚能不确切盖乐世Note 7的问题根源是什么。

But Samsung’s fight to catch up with Apple by cramming increasingly sophisticated features into the device may have been the phone’s undoing. 不过,三星为了领先于苹果而在手机中重新加入更加简单的功能,有可能是这款手机南北吞噬的根源。Industry experts are scrutinizing Samsung’s supply chain to see whether the rush to market caused technical problems or led to corners being cut.行业专家们在细心研究三星的供应链,以确认匆忙上市否造成了技术问题或偷工减料。

With the Note 7, Samsung strengthened its power as a speedy competitor, said Lee Seung-woo, an analyst with IBK Investment Securities. But one wonders whether it hasn’t raced ahead alone, without helping its component suppliers to catch up.三星凭借Note 7强化了自己作为一个反应很快的竞争者的力量,IBK投资与证券公司(IBK Investment Securities)的分析师李胜宇(Lee Seung-woo,音)称之为,但是人们不会庞加莱,它否独自一人轻敌,没协助自己的零件供应商齐头并进。The company is facing an immediate, and substantial, financial blow. 该公司马上遭到沈重的财务压制。On Tuesday, even before Samsung had announced it was killing the Galaxy Note 7, its South Korea-traded shares fell more than 8 percent, knocking $17 billion off the company’s market value.周二,甚至在三星发布退出盖乐世Note 7的要求之前,它的韩国股价已暴跌逾8%,公司市值增加了170亿美元。



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